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Mladina i Subota
bibleboyDate: Monday, 2012-06-11, 7:14 AM | Message # 1
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Zbog čega praznik mladine nije uvršten u Božije praznike? (v. 4 Moj. 10:10). U 2 Car. 4:23; Iza. 1:13; Amos 8:5. Mladina se u Svetome Pismu povezuje sa Subotom. Da li je to zato što su sedmične Subote brojane od pojave mladog meseca ili iz nekog drugog razloga?
bibleboyDate: Monday, 2012-06-11, 7:32 AM | Message # 2
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Prema Knjizi izlaska (Egzodus), prva zapovest koju je jevrejski narod dobio kao nacija, bilo je da odrede mladi Mesec/novi mesec: Izl. 12:2 tvrdi: "Ovaj mesec biće za vas prvi mesec, biće za vas prvi mesec u godini".

The first question we need to ask is what is the biblical Hebrew word for new moon? It is the Hebrew word
aSJ /chodesh (Strong’s H2320/TWOT 613b) meaning “the new moon, month, monthly, the first day of the month,
the lunar month.” It is found in the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures or Old Testament) 276 times and is translated in
the King James Version as “month” 254 times, “new moon” (20 times), and “monthly” (1 time). We see that from
these definitions that the terms “month” and “new moon” are synonymous. It has been understood for millennia
that ancient Israelites began their month with the new moon.
bibleboyDate: Monday, 2012-06-11, 8:32 AM | Message # 3
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Does ''New'' Mean ''Full''?

Some read Psalm 81:3 and conclude that the new moon is a holy feast day, and also (because of mistranslation) that the new moon is the full moon and not the first light of the moon. The KJV reads, ''Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.'' Time ''appointed'' is the Hebrew kacah and means ''to plump, i.e. fill up hollows'' (Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words). This appointed time is a full moon totally filled with light and on which a solemn Feast day occurs. Does that mean that the new moon is the full moon?

The New King James and some other translations add to the confusion by not translating Psalm 81:3 precisely enough: ''Blow the trumpet at the time of the New Moon, at the full moon, on our solemn feast day.'' One immediate problem we note is that nowhere in Scripture is the regular monthly new moon referred to as a Feast day, nor is it a full moon, as we shall see.

Other translations clear up the problem by showing two completely different and separate observances in this verse: ''Sound the ram's horn at the new moon, and when the moon is full, at the day of our feast'' (NIV).

In Psalm 81:3 Yahweh is speaking of a new moon as well as another observance or appointed time that comes at a full moon. During each of these separate times the trumpet was to sound.

The Hebrew in fact reveals two distinct clauses in this passage, making a definite division of thought. The first is the trumpet as applying to the new moon. The second is the trumpet as it applies to a solemn feast day, which is by Biblical definition different from a regular monthly new moon.

From the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, one would translate Psalm 81:3 this way: ''Blow the trumpet at the new moon, and in the fullness of our festival day.''

The Interlinear NIV Hebrew-English Old Testament also makes a differentiation between the two clauses of verse 3: ''Sound the ram's horn at the New Moon, and when the moon is full, on the day of our Feast.''

The Complete Jewish Bible reads: ''Sound the shofar at Rosh-Hodesh [new moon], and at full moon for the pilgrim feast.''

The Psalms for Today: A New Translation from the Hebrew into Current English translates the verse: ''Sound the trumpet at the new moon, and at the day of our festival, when the moon is full.''

These Hebrew-based translations show that the new moon is different from the full moon and different from a Feast day. The Hebrew shows that the new moon and the full moon are not synonymous. The first is barely visible, the second totally visible. Different words are used for each.

The Hebrew word levanah meaning white, occurs three times in the Hebrew text and poetically refers to the white brilliance of the full moon (see Song of Solomon 6:10; Isa. 24:23; 30:26). And the Hebrew word kehseh, meaning fullness, is twice translated full moon (Ps. 81:3; Prov. 7:20). Chodesh, on the other hand, refers to the new moon and is never used for full moon.
bibleboyDate: Monday, 2012-06-11, 9:12 AM | Message # 4
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Adventista Valter Fajt u jednoj svojoj knjizi navodi da Mladina 1 Tišrija tipski označava ''pokret drugog adventa'', međutim kada sam upitao izvesne druge adventiste o Mladini u Bibliji oni o tome ne znaju skoro ništa, a ipak kao što vidimo na sebe primenjuju navedenu simboliku. Kako i zašto to?
bibleboyDate: Monday, 2012-06-11, 9:33 AM | Message # 5
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I razmetnuće se prema suncu i mesecu i svoj vojsci nebeskoj, koje ljubiše i kojima služiše i za kojima idoše i koje tražiše i kojima se klanjaše; neće se pokupiti ni pogrepsti, nego će biti gnoj po zemlji.

Jeremija 8:2

Tu imamo jednu zanimljivu stvar, a to je da je Mladina po Bibliji dan počinka. Da li smo mi idolopoklonici te obožavamo mesec kao nebesko telo? Ja mislim da ne bi trebalo da budemo. Imamo mi kao što je poznato i druge biblijske praznike koji su mogli da padnu i u sedmičnu Subotu, ali u kojima se ne radi te se zovu Subotama. Ti praznici imaju određeno metafizičko i istorijsko značenje, a kod mladine imamo samo jednu kosmičku pojavu (mesečev srp na nebu) i ništa više. Ipak, da li je to tako? Međutim, mladina je izgleda zbog nečega važna, pitam se zbog čega? Ona simboliše nešto? Šta?
bibleboyDate: Monday, 2012-06-11, 9:39 AM | Message # 6
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Za svaki mladi ili puni Mjesec se treba vratiti 19. godina unatrag kad se desio na istom stupnju kao i sada. To su tzv.metonički ciklusi.
bibleboyDate: Monday, 2012-06-11, 9:41 AM | Message # 7
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Postoje tri grupe praznika u Starom Zavetu - godišnji praznici (Pesah, Jom Kipur itd.), mesečni praznici - svetkovanje mladog meseca svakog prvog dana lunarnog meseca, a takođe postoje i sedmični praznici - sedmična subota.
Dakle, sve su to praznici, ali postoje razlike u načinu svetkovanja tako, na primer, Dan Pokajanja
jeste subota, ali nisu svi prazanici nazvani
subotama, recimo, mladinama je moglo da se radi.
Ako je Pesah bilo jedan od godišnjih praznika koji su ukinuti u Kološanima 2:14-17, onda Isaija 66:23 dokazuje da mi još uvek moramo svetkovati druge dve vrste praznika - sedmične subote i mesečne mladine. Koliko ja znam Adventisti ne svetkuju mladine svakog meseca. Zašto?
bibleboyDate: Monday, 2012-06-11, 9:47 AM | Message # 8
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Imamo li zapovest u Starom zavetu koja ukazuje na svetkovanje mladina? Ili se mladine samo spominju, ali nigde nema neka zapovest o tome? Imamo. (v. 4 Moj.10:10)

Da li je mladina praznik ili je to samo neka vrsta markera za određivanje vremena.
bibleboyDate: Monday, 2012-06-11, 10:02 AM | Message # 9
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Neki vide praznik mladine ovako: praznik je počeo da se svetkuje kada su Jevreji učli u obećanu zemlju, i svetkovao se dakle jedanput mesečno. Jedinu primenu koju vide je da to predstavlja ono što prema Otkrivenju kaže da će drvo života davati plodove 12 puta godišnje, jednom svakog meseca, i da ćemo mi dakle svakog meseca dolaziti po plodove tog drveta. Dakle, da se taj praznik odnosio na ono što nas čeka svakog meseca u vezi drveta života, u obećanoj zemlji.

Rev 22:1 I pokaza mi čistu rijeku vode života, bistru kao kristal, koja izlažaše od prijestola Božijega i Jagnjetova.
Rev 22:2 Nasred ulica njegovijeh i s obje strane rijeke drvo života, koje rađa dvanaest rodova dajući svakoga mjeseca svoj rod; i lišće od drveta bijaše za iscjeljivanje narodima.

Takođe priznaju da to pitanje treba više da se proučava, jer prema Isaiji 66. glavi, koja se odnosi na novu zemlju, mladina ima svoje mesto.
bibleboyDate: Monday, 2012-06-11, 10:03 AM | Message # 10
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Zanimljivo gledište. Nije mi to palo na pamet. Ja sam to više razumeo kao Božije nastojanje da usmeri njegov narod da gleda i posmatra kritičnu komponentu (Mlad Mesec) Njegovog kalendara, koji treba da se zasniva na mesečevim ciklusima.
bibleboyDate: Monday, 2012-06-11, 10:10 AM | Message # 11
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Međutim, Mladina i Subota se u Bibliji navode kao vreme dolaska na poklonjenje, a ne kao vreme rađanja ploda na drvetu. Drvo života će davati svakog meseca svoj rod, a mladina može biti jedino samo početak tog procesa sazrevanja plodova, ona je data Jevrejima i čitavom čovečanstvu, isto kao i Sabat. Ipak moguće je da će narod Božiji tom prilikom kada bude dolazio na poklonjenje konzumirati plodove sa drveta zivota. Ja, Mladinu, pre svega vidim, kao simbol Isusa Hrista.
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