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Main » 2024 » April » 26 » How did the Jews celebrate Passover in Babylon?
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How did the Jews celebrate Passover in Babylon?

When the Jews were in exile during the Babylonian captivity, they could not keep the Passover. This prohibition led to the replacement of the Passover with the Seder meal on the 15th day of the first month, the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.


Kada su Jevreji bili u izgnanstvu za vreme vavilonskog ropstva, nisu mogli da drže Pashu. Ova zabrana je dovela do toga da se Pasha zameni sederskom trpezom 15. dana prvog meseca, prvog dana praznika beskvasnih hlebova.


How did the ancient Israelites celebrate Passover?

Entering the Temple compound in groups, the head of each household would hand their animal offering to the priests, who killed the animal, drew its blood and sprayed it on the altar. Then the carcass was returned to the family that had given it and they would roast it and eat it within the confines of the Temple.


Kada su Jevreji bili u izgnanstvu za vreme vavilonskog ropstva, nisu mogli da drže Pashu. Ova zabrana je dovela do toga da se Pasha zameni sederskom trpezom 15. dana prvog meseca, prvog dana praznika beskvasnih hlebova.


What did Jews do during Passover?
Passover | Story, Meaning, Traditions, & Facts | Britannica
What and when is Passover? Passover is often celebrated with great pomp and ceremony, especially on the first night, when a special family meal called the seder is held. At the seder, foods of symbolic significance commemorating the Hebrews' liberation are eaten, and prayers and traditional recitations are performed.


Šta su Jevreji radili za vreme Pashe?
Pasha | Priča, značenje, tradicije i činjenice | Britannica
Šta i kada je Pasha? Pasha se često slavi sa velikom pompom i ceremonijom, posebno prve noći, kada se održava poseban porodični obrok koji se zove seder. Na sederu se jedu hrana simboličkog značaja u čast oslobođenja Jevreja, a obavljaju se molitve i tradicionalne recitacije.


How was Passover celebrated in the temple?
Passover - Wikipedia
Passover sacrifice

Every family large enough to completely consume a young lamb or wild goat was required to offer one for sacrifice at the Jewish Temple on the afternoon of the 14th day of Nisan, and eat it that night, which was the 15th of Nisan.


Kako je proslavljena Pasha u hramu?
Pasha - Vikipedija
Pashalna žrtva

Svaka porodica koja je bila dovoljno velika da u potpunosti pojede mlado jagnje ili divlju kozu morala je da ga prinese na žrtvu u jevrejskom hramu popodne 14. dana nisana i pojede te noći, a to je bilo 15. nisana.


What is a symbol of Passover?
The shank bone symbolizes the sacrifice that the Jews in Egypt gave to thank God for the miracle of passing over their houses during the tenth plague in which all the Egyptian's firstborn died. What can we learn from this sacrifice of gratitude?


Šta je simbol Pashe?
Kost potkoljenice simbolizuje žrtvu koju su Jevreji u Egiptu dali da zahvale Bogu za čudo prelaska preko njihovih kuća tokom desete pošasti u kojoj su umrli svi prvorođenci Egipćana. Šta možemo naučiti iz ove žrtve zahvalnosti?


How has the celebration of Passover changed over time?
The celebration of Passover evolved into a home-based commemoration with the destruction of the temple by the Romans in A.D. 70. The biblical Passover mentioned in the book of Exodus also occurred in individual homes. As such, the Bible provided ways to adapt the celebration in light of changed circumstances.


Kako se proslavljanje Pashe promenilo tokom vremena?
Proslava Pashe je evoluirala u kućnu komemoraciju sa uništenjem hrama od strane Rimljana 70. godine nove ere. Biblijska Pasha koja se pominje u knjizi Izlaska takođe se dešavala u pojedinačnim domovima. Kao takva, Biblija je pružila načine da se proslava prilagodi promenjenim okolnostima.


What does the egg symbolize in Passover?
A hard-boiled egg, usually roasted, is often placed on the Seder plate. Its roundness alludes to the cycle of rebirth and renewal, while it's burnt, sometimes cracked shell serves as a reminder of ancient sacrificial offerings.


Šta jaje simbolizuje na Pashu?
Na tanjir sedera često se stavlja tvrdo kuvano jaje, obično pečeno. Njegova okruglost aludira na ciklus ponovnog rađanja i obnove, dok izgorela, ponekad napukla školjka služi kao podsetnik na drevne žrtvene prinose.


Can Jews drink alcohol during Passover?
Many beers, bourbons, and gins are typically considered kosher. However, because they are made from fermented grains, they are a no-go during the week of Passover. Wine is commonly served at Passover celebrations — just as long as it is made by a kosher winery.


Da li Jevreji mogu da piju alkohol za vreme Pashe?
Mnoga piva, burboni i džinovi se obično smatraju košer. Međutim, pošto su napravljeni od fermentisanih žitarica, oni su zabranjeni tokom nedelje Pashe. Vino se obično služi na proslavama Pashe - sve dok ga pravi košer vinarija.


How did Jesus change Passover?
The Passover, therefore, is to be observed throughout their generations. Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper on this night to signify that this new exodus was about to begin. This act indicated that the time of redemption had come.


Kako je Isus promenio Pashu?
Pasha se, dakle, treba slaviti kroz njihove generacije. Isus je ove noći ustanovio Gospodnju večeru da bi označio da će ovaj novi egzodus uskoro početi. Ovaj čin je ukazivao da je došlo vreme iskupljenja.


Did Jesus ever eat beef?
Did Jesus eat meat? Many Christians readily assert that Jesus ate meat. Yet there isn't one instance in which he ate meat recorded in the Bible or other historical texts. Historians have frequently noted that Jesus' brother James was a vegetarian and had been raised vegetarian.


Da li je Isus ikada jeo govedinu?
Da li je Isus jeo meso? Mnogi hrišćani spremno tvrde da je Isus jeo meso. Ipak, ne postoji nijedan slučaj u kojem je jeo meso zabeleženo u Bibliji ili drugim istorijskim tekstovima. Istoričari su često primećivali da je Isusov brat Džejms bio vegetarijanac i da je odgajan kao vegetarijanac.






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