Ellen G. White
"Zurich is pleasantly situated on the
shores of Lake Zurich. This is a noble expanse of water, enclosed
with banks which swell upwards, clothed with vineyards and pine
forests, from amid which hamlets and white villas gleam out amid
trees and cultivated hills which give variety and beauty to the
picture, while in the far off horizon the glaciers are seen blending
with the golden clouds. On the right the region is walled in with
the craggy rampart of the Albis Alp, but the mountains stand back
from the shore and by permitting the light to fall freely upon the
bosom of the Lake and on the ample sweep of its lovely and fertile
banks, give a beauty to the picture which pen or brush of the artist
could not equal. The neighboring lake of Zug is in marked contrast
to Zurich. The placid waters and slumbering shore seem perpetually
wrapped in the shadows."
[ms. 29-1887]
James A. Wylie
"Zurich is pleasantly situated on the
shores of the lake of that name. This IS a noble expanse of water,
enclosed within banks which swell gently upwards, clothed here with
vineyards there with pineforests, from amid which hamlets and white
villas gleam out and enliven the scene, while m the faroff horizon
the glaciers are seen blending with the golden clouds. On the right
the region is walled in by the craggy rampart of Albis Alp, but
the mountains stand back from the shore, and by permitting the light
to fall freely upon the bosom of the lake, and on the ample sweep
of its lovely and fertile banks, give a freshness and airiness to
the prospect as seen from the city, which strikingly contrasts with
the neighboring Lake of Zug, where the placid waters and the slumbering
shore seem perpetually wrapped in the shadows of the great mountains."