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When Did Jesus Eat the "Last Supper"?

Many people have wondered whether Jesus ate what is called the "Last Supper" on the evening when the Jews ate the Passover lambs, or if he ate his "Passover" meal on the evening before. The question arises because there seems to be a contradiction between what Matthew, Mark and Luke say, and what the Gospel of John tells us.

For example, Matthew 26:17 says: "On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to Jesus and asked, ‘Where do you want us to make preparations for you to eat the Passover?’ " The first three Gospels seem to indicate that Jesus and his disciples ate the "Last Supper" meal on the evening beginning Nisan 15. That is when the Jews would have been eating their Passover meal—on the beginning of the first day of Unleavened Bread. (See also Mark 14:12-16 and Luke 22:1, 7-8.)

However, John clearly states that the Jews had not eaten the Passover meal, even though it was the morning after Jesus’ arrest. John 18:28 says: "Then the Jews led Jesus from Caiaphas to the palace of the Roman governor. By now it was early morning, and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness the Jews did not enter the palace; they wanted to be able to eat the Passover." John 19:14 says that the day during which Jesus was crucified was only the "Preparation [day] of Passover Week." By John’s reckoning, Jesus ate the Last Supper meal one day earlier than the Jews ate the Passover meal.

Because of this seeming contradiction between the first three Gospels and John, scholars continue to wrestle with the issue of when Jesus actually ate his final meal. Of course, the term "Passover" was often applied to the entire Festival of Unleavened Bread, not just Passover day, so Jesus’ eating of a "Passover meal" could have occurred at any time during the festival season. However, it does seem that the time of the traditional eating of the Jewish Passover—on the evening of the beginning of the first day of Unleavened Bread—occurred just as Jesus was being put in the tomb. Hence, the chronological question about Jesus’ eating the Last Supper remains.

Various explanations have been offered to solve the puzzle, which are beyond the scope of this article to consider. The interested reader can peruse several commentaries, such as the Expositor’s Bible Commentary on Matthew, for a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the various solutions that have been put forth. The author of one such commentary on Matthew in the Tyndale New Testament series, R. T. France, presents a practical approach to the problem:

The simplest solution, and the one assumed in this commentary, is that Jesus, knowing that he would be dead before the regular time for the meal, deliberately held it in secret one day early. . . .Of course it was strictly incorrect to hold a "Passover" at any time other than the evening of Nisan 14/15 [that is, at the end of the 14th and beginning of the 15th], but Jesus was not one to be bound by formal regulations in an emergency situation! . . . .It was therefore a Passover meal in intention, but without a lamb [page 365].

This would mean that Jesus and the disciples, strictly speaking, did not eat the Passover meal at the Last Supper. It’s interesting that lamb is not mentioned as being part of the meal. If Jesus ate the "Passover meal" one day earlier than the Jews did, he simply disregarded tradition. That in itself would be instructive, indicating that his meal represented a break with old covenant institutions.

Such a reconstruction takes into account the Scriptures in all four Gospels. If what France says happened as he says it did, then Jesus died about the time when the lambs were being sacrificed for the Jewish Passover meal at the beginning of Nisan 15. What we have, then, is an interesting parallel between Jesus’ crucifixion and the killing of the lambs. The reality of Christ’s sacrificial death was "shadowed" in the simultaneous slaughter of the Passover lambs.


Када је Исус jeo "Последњу вечеру"?

Многи људи су се питали да ли је Исус јео оно што се зове "Последња вечера" на вече када су Јевреји јели Пасхално јагње, или је појео свој "Пасхални" оброк на вече пре. Поставља се питање, јер чини се да постоји противречност између онога што Матеј, Марко и Лука кажу, а шта Јеванђеље по Јовану говори.

На пример, Матеј 26:17 каже: "На први дан празника Бесквасних хлебова, приступише ученици Исусу и упиташе га:" Где желиш да се припреми за тебе да једеш Пасху?" Прва три Јеванђеља изгледа да указују да су Исус и његови ученици јели оброк "Последњу вечеру" на почетку вечери 15. нисана. То је када би Јевреји јели свој Пасхални оброк на почетку првог дана Бесквасних хлебова. (Види такође Марко 14:12-16 и Лука 22:1, 7-8.)

Међутим, Јован јасно каже да Јевреји нису јели Пасхални оброк, иако је било јутро после хапшења Исуса. Јован 18:28 каже: "Тада су Јевреји довели Исуса од Кајафа до палате римског гувернера. До тада је било рано јутро, и да би избегни церемонијалну нечистоту Јевреји нису ушли у палату, они су желели да буду у стању да једу Пасху. " Јован 19:14 каже да је дан током којег је разапет Исус био само "Припремни [дан] Пасхалне недеље." Правилним Јовановим рачунањем, Исус је јео оброк Последње вечере један дан раније него што су Јевреји јели Пасхални оброк.

Због ових привидних контрадикција између прва три јеванђеља и Јована, научници се и даље боре са питањем када је Исус стварно појео свој коначни оброк. Наравно, термин "Пасха" се често примењивао на цео фестивал бесквасних хлебова, а не само на Пасхални дан, тако да се Исусово једење "Пасхалног оброка" могло догодити у било ком тренутку за време трајања сезоне фестивала. Међутим, изгледа да се време традиционалног оброка јеврејске Пасхе - на вече на почетку првог дана бесквасних хлебова - догодило баш када је Исус стављен у гроб. Дакле, питање хронологије Исусовог једења Последњe вечерe остаје.

Различита објашњења су понуђена да реше загонетку, која су изван опсега разматрања овог чланка. Заинтересовани читалац може прегледати неколико коментара, као што је библијски коментар Експозитор о Матеју, дискусију о предностима и манама различитих решења времена. Аутор једног таквог коментара на Матеј у Новом завету, Матеј Тиндале серије, РТ Француска, представља практичан приступ проблему:

Најједноставније решење, а којe је преузетo у овом коментару, јесте да је Исус, знајући да ће бити мртав пре редовног времена за оброк, намерно га је одржао у тајности један дан раније. . . Наравно, било је строго забрањено да се одржи "Пасха" у сваком тренутку осим вечери 14/15 нисана [то јест, на крају 14. и почетком 15.], али Исус није био под обавезним формалним прописима у кризним ситуацијама! . . . Пошто је Пасхални оброк био у намери, али без јагњета [страна 365].

То би значило да Исус и ученици, строго говорећи, нису јели Пасхални оброк на Последњој Вечери. Занимљиво је да се јагњетина не помиње као део оброка. Ако је Исус јео "Пасхални оброк" један дан раније него Јевреји, он је једноставно занемарио традицију. То само по себи би било поучно, наводећи да је његов оброк представљао раскид са старозаветим институцијама.

Таква реконструкција узима у обзир Писмо у сва четири Jеванђеља. Ако је као што у Француској кажу да се то догодило да је учинио, онда је Исус умро за време када су се јагњад жртвовала за јеврејски Пасхални оброк на почетку 15. нисана. Шта ми онда, имамо, интересантну паралелу између распећа Исуса и убиства јагњад. ''Сенка'' реалности Христовој жртвеној смрти је било истовремено клање Пасхалних јагњади.

Превео: Милош Попадић

The texts that have confused people are:

Matthew 26:17 - "Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to . . . [Yahushua], saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover?" (KJV1)

Mark 14:1 - "After two days was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread: and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death."

Luke 22:7 - "Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed."

The confusion arises when the above texts are compared with John's account of the last supper as given in John 13: "Now before the feast of the passover, when . . . [Yahushua] knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world, unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end." (John13:1)

In this, as in all other Bible puzzles, Scripture provides the answer. The law of Moses, which the Law-Giver, Yahushua, kept perfectly, clearly provides the time-parameters of both the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is . . . [Yahuwah's] passover. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto . . . [Yahuwah]: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread. In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein. (Leviticus 23:5-7)

This passage clearly assigns two different dates for two different holy observances:

  • Passover on Abib 14
  • First day of Feast of Unleavened Bread on Abib 15

John 13 simply states: "Now before the feast of the passover . . . ." The Synoptics seem to even contradict the dates given in Leviticus!

  • Matthew: Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Yahushua.
  • Mark: After two days was the feast of the Passover, and of Unleavened Bread.
  • Luke: Then came the day of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover must be killed.

When assembling the various truth-pieces of this Scriptural puzzle, the dates given for Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread as given in Leviticus 23 must be kept. These provide the "border" of the puzzle. They cannot be set aside. Thus, some other explanation must be provided for why the Synoptics appear to place Passover and the first day of Unleavened Bread on the same day.

The first point to be considered is that both Matthew 26:17 and Mark 14:1 have had words added in the English translation that do not appear in the original. The italicized words below are the words which the translators added to the texts. They do not appear in the original:


"Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came . . . ." (Matthew 26:17)
"After two days was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread . . .." (Mark 14:1)


Without the supplied words, Matthew simply states: "Now the first of the unleavened bread the disciples came . . . ." With the supplied words left out, Mark states: “After two days was the passover, and of unleavened bread . . . .”

In the text from Matthew, the word "first" comes from the word πρώτος (prōtŏs) which means "foremost (in time, place, order or importance)."2 It can mean "beginning" and "best" but it can also be correctly translated as "before". When πρώτος (prōtŏs) is translated as "before" Matthew 26:17 states: "Now before the unleavened bread the disciples came . . . ." This agrees with John 13:1: "Now before the feast of the passover . . ."

Mark must be considered in the context of what immediately follows which is the account of Yahushua’s anointing in Bethany during the feast at Simon’s house. First, however, it is necessary to understand precisely how the Israelites used certain phrases, specifically “Passover” and the phrase “unleavened bread.” This provides the next piece of the Scriptural puzzle.

A study of the Outline of the passion week . . . will reveal the fact that the N[ew]T[estament] phrase τά ἄζυμα ("unleavened bread"), . . . occurs in several of the gospel references to the paschal season. This expression is a typical Synoptic term; and yet, both Mark and Luke apparently would have it understood that at the time of their writing, the festal names τò πάνοχα and τά ἄζυμα were being used interchangeably in a general sense.3 However, the second of these [terms] seems to have been Luke's favorite in representing the passover season,4 and probably Matthew's as well.5 Josephus also recognizes the alternative use of these two festal terms in his own day.6 He even calls the "fourteenth" the "day of unleavened bread."7,8

Matthew 26:17 – “Now on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to . . . [Yahushua], saying to Him, ‘Where do You want us to prepare for You to eat the Passover?’ ”

This text is a bit misleading, as explained in The Passover Puzzle, the italicized words (above) were added by translators and do not belong in the original. Also, the word “first” actually means “before.”3 So the text more accurately states: “Now before Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to Yahushua.” The words used here, whether in Aramaic or Greek, refer to the yeast-free bread used for Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.


Dijalog između nekе две особе o svetom pričešću

Brat: U prvom redu, prepodobni oče, hteo bih da znam kako je nastala ta Sveta i božanska tajna.

Starešina: Brate Jovane, Spasitelj naš Isus Hristos, hoteći da ustanovi tu Svetu i božansku Tajnu, prethodno je pripremio umove ljudi Svojim Svetim učenjem, da bi je oni mogli pojmiti i primiti.

S tim ciljem Spasitelj naš Isus Hristos je na čudesni način nasitio mnoštvo naroda, i potom im je održao besedu o Nebeskom hlebu, pokazujući jasno veliku potrebu koju imaju ljudi da se pričešćuju Njegovim Telom i Krvlju, da bi mogli zadobiti život večni. I rekao im je:

Ja sam hleb života: koji meni dolazi neće ogladneti, i koji u mene veruje neće nikad ožedneti... Zaista, zaista vam kažem: Koji veruje u mene ima život večni. Ja sam hleb života. Oci vaši jedoše manu u pustinji, i pomreše. Ovo je hleb koji silazi s neba: da koji od njega jede ne umre.

... Ja sam hleb živi koji siđe s neba; ako ko jede od ovoga hleba živeće vavek; i hleb koji ću ja dati telo je moje, koje ću ja dati za život sveta... Zaista, zaista vam kažem: ako ne jedete Tela Sina Čovečijega i ne pijete krvi njegove, nemate života u sebi. Koji jede moje telo i pije moju krv ima život večni; i ja ću ga vaskrsnuti u poslednji dan. Jer telo moje istinsko je jelo, a krv je moja istinsko piće. Koji jede moje telo i pije moju krv u meni prebiva, i ja u njemu (Jn 6,35-56).

Eto, brate Jovane, to su reči Gospoda našeg Isusa Hrista, kojima je On blagovoleo da objavi ljudima ustanovljenje Svete tajne pričešća. Tim jasnim rečima On nam je otkrio da je Hleb Života, koji je sišao s neba, da je Njegovo telo istinsko jelo i Njegova krv istinsko piće, da ko jede Njegovo telo ima život večni i da će ga On vaskrsnuti u poslednji dan.

Naš Spasitelj je otkrio ljudima ove velike tajne, da bi oni mogli shvatiti koliko je velika ta tajna kojom se čovek sjedinjuje s Bogom i Bog se sjedinjuje s čovekom.

Brat: Molio bih Vas, prepodobni oče, da mi kažete kako je ustanovljena ova sveta i božanska Tajna.

Starešina: Ovu svetu Tajnu, brate Jovane, ustanovio je Spasitelj naš na Tajnoj večeri, dan pre judejske Pashe i pre svojih Svetih stradanja. O tom ustanovljenju sinoptički jevanđelisti govore ovako:

I kad jeđahu, uze Isus hleb u blagoslovivši prelomi ga, i davaše učenicima, i reče: Uzmite, jedite, ovo je telo moje. I uze čašu i zablagodarivši dade im govoreći: Pijte iz nje svi; jer ovo je krv moja Novoga zaveta koja se proliva za mnoge radi otpuštenja grehova (Mt 26, 26-28; Mk 14, 22-24; Lk 22,17-20).

A Sveti apostol Pavle kazuje Korinćanima:

Ja primih od Gospoda što vam i predadoh, da Gospod Isus one noći kad beše predan, uze hleb, i zahvalivši prelomi i reče: Ovo je telo moje, koje se za vas lomi; isto tako i čašu, po večeri, govoreći; Ova je čaša Novi zavet u mojoj krvi; ovo činite, u moj spomen. Jer kad god jedete ovaj hleb i čašu ovu pijete, smrt Gospodnju objavljujete, dokle ne dođe (1. Kor 11, 23-26).

Znači, brate Jovane, kao što vidiš, i božanski Jevanđelisti, i veliki apostol Pavle, pokazali su da je Sveta evharistija bila ustanovljena za svagda, da bi se vršila u spomen Gospoda našeg Isusa Hrista i za oproštaj grehova, do Njegovog Drugog dolaska.

To ustanovljenje je tako jasno i precizno, da su i protestanti, koji su odbacili skoro sve tajne, bili prinuđeni da priznaju Svetu Evharistiju kao Tajnu koju je ustanovio sam Gospod Isus Hristos.

Brat: Hteo bih da znam, prepodobni oče, kako je, po ustanovljenju, vršena ova Sveta tajna u Hristovoj Crkvi.

Starešina: Način kako je Spasitelj naš Isus Hristos praznovao Pashu potvrđuje dogmatsku osnovu vaseljenske pravoslavne prakse da se na božanskoj Liturgiji služi sa kvasnim hlebom, ne sa beskvasnim, kao što čine rimokatolici.

Brat: Prepodobni oče, ja sam čuo da rimokatolici tvrde da je Spasitelj naš Isus Hristos na Tajnoj večeri praznovao judejsku Pashu, pa je dakle upotrebio beskvasni, a ne kvasni hleb.

Starešina: Nije istina, brate Jovane; Spasitelj naš Gospod Isus Hristos na Večeri nije praznovao judejsku Pashu, jer još ne beše vreme za to, nego je on držao posebnu Pashu, na kojoj je jeo kvasni hleb, a ne beskvasni.

Rimokatolici potkrepljuju svoje mišljenje i praksu sinoptičkim jevanđeljima, po kojima bi izgledalo da je Spasitelj, na Tajnoj večeri, praznovao judejsku Pashu.

Međutim, jevanđelist Jovan precizno kazuje da je Isus Hristos bio osuđen i raspet pre judejske Pashe. Protivurečnost između sinoptičara i Jovana je samo prividna, i ona nestaje pri pažljivom praćenju (Izlazak 12, 6; Levitska 23, 5; Brojevi 9, 1-3; Ponovljeni zakoni 16, 1); praznovanje Pashe, to jest klanje pashalnoga jagnjeta, obavljano je dana 14. nisana uveče, i trajalo je 7 dana, to jest do 21. nisana.

Jevanđelisti sinoptičari (Mt 26,17-19; Mk 14,12-26; Lk 22,7-13) broje sve u svemu osam dana beskvasnih hlebova, računajući među tima i dan 14. nisana, u koji se, uveče, praznovala Pasha.

Dakle, jevanđelisti sinoptičari stavljaju Pashu u prvi dan beskvasnih hlebova. Po njima, dan 14. nisana, budući dan beskvasnih hlebova (a, po judejskom običaju, počinjući od večeri prethodnoga dana, to jest od večeri 13. nisana), znači da Pasha koja se praznovala dana 14. nisana uveče ne beše početak dana beskvasnih hlebova, nego se nalazila u njihovom toku.

Tako prvi dan beskvasnih hlebova, u koji je, kako vele jevanđelisti sinoptičari, bila Tajna večera i uspostavljanje Evharistije, ne beše dan Pashe, nego pred Pashom, a upravo to pokazuje Sv. jevanđelist Jovan, kada postavlja Tajnu večeru na dan pre Pashe (Jn 13,1).

Znači, Spasitelj nije praznovao judejsku Pashu i nije jeo beskvasni hleb na Večeri. Eto, kazivanje jevanđelista sinoptičara u svemu je skladno sa kazivanjem jevanđeliste Jovana, koji jasno kazuje da je Isus drugoga dana pošto bi uhvaćen, rano jutrom doveden k Pilatu, a Judejci nisu ušli u sudnicu, koja beše pagansko mesto, da se ne bi oskrnavili, jer je trebalo da jedu pashu (Jn 18,28).

Dakle, kao što vidiš, brate Jovane, dan nakon Tajne večere Judejci još ne behu jeli Pashu, dakle ne beše stigao praznik na kojem se jedu beskvasni hlebovi.

Isto nam Svetitelj i jevanđelist Jovan kaže da suđenje Isusovo beše (u) petak uoči Pashe, oko šestoga časa (u podne) (up. sa Jn 19,14).

Dakle, prividna protivrečnost između sinoptičara i jevanđelista Jovana proishodi iz nepažnje, jer prvi govore o danima beskvasnih hlebova, a Jovan govori o Pashi, čiji se početak ne poklapa sa početkom dana beskvasnih hlebova.

Uostalom, da je Spasitelj na Tajnoj večeri praznovao judejsku Pashu, ta trpeza bi trebalo da se naziva Pashom, a ne Večerom, na kojoj se jeo kvasni hleb, a ne beskvasni (Jn 13,28).

Brat: Prepodobni oče, a kako se vršila ova tajna nakon Vaznesenja Gospodnjeg na nebo i u vreme Svetih apostola?

Starešina: Brate Jovane, nakon Vaznesenja Gospodnjeg na nebo, Njegovi Sveti i božanski učenici i apostoli sledili su neizmenjenu praksu božanske Evharistije, prema Svetom Predanju koje behu nasledili od svoga učitelja Isusa Hrista, upotrebljavajući u toj Svetoj tajni hleb i vino, a ne beskvasni hleb!

To se jasno vidi iz knjige Dela apostolskih, gde čitamo ovako: I behu postojani u nauci apostolskoj, i u lomljenju hleba, i u molitvama (Dap 2,42). I malo dalje se veli: Svaki dan behu istrajno i jednodušno u hramu, i lomeći hleb po domovima, primahu hranu s radošću i u prostoti srca (Dap 2,46).

Isto tako i veliki apostol Pavle, kada govori Korinćanima o pričešćivanju, naziva evharistijski hleb ARTOSOM - kvasnim hlebom, a ne beskvasnim (1. Kor 11,23).

I iz starih istorija saznajemo da je u prvobitnoj Crkvi za vršenje Svete Evharistije upotrebljavan kvasni hleb, koji su hrišćani donosili u crkvu kao prinos, i koji beše obični hleb u njihovim kućama, to jest pšenični kvasni hleb, a ne beskvasni.



Jednostavnim uporedivanjem dolazimo do dva tumacenja: (1) izvestaji se slazu. Jovan se sluzi rimskim racunanjem vremena, po kojoj dan pocinje od podneva, dok Sinoptici koriste jevrejsku satnicu gde se vreme racuna od sest casova ujutru; (2) Ocigledno je da Jovan smesta dogadaj raspeca drugacije od Sinoptika. Zanimljivo je da se on u 1:39 i 4:6 ipak sluzi jevrejskom satnicom.

Vrlo je moguce da sva evandelja u casu raspeca vide: (1) simboliku hramskog zrtvovanja (9.00 i 15.00, Del. 2:15; 3:1); (2) Pashalno jagnje se zrtvovalo 14. nisana u popodnevnim casovima. U svakom slucaju Sveto pismo, kao drevna istocnjacka knjiga nije okrenuta strogoj hronologiji, kao sto je to slucaj sa savremenom literaturom.


Citat iz knjige Tajne Biblije, Aleksandra Medvedeva:

''Pasha se odvija tokom proleća, 14. dana biblijskog
meseca Nisana (mart/april).''

''Bog je uspostavio još jedan praznik koji po -
činje skoro odmah nakon Pashe, 14. dana biblij -
skog meseca Nisana. On se zove "Praznik Bes -
kvasnih hlebova”. On traje sedam dana. Prve no -
ći, i ponovo sedme, bilo je vreme susreta (skupa)
između Boga i ljudi. Pošto su ova dva praznika
blisko povezana, Pasha i Beskvasni hlebovi, u
prošlom vremenu su svetkovani kao jedan praz -
nik od strane jevrejskog naroda.''

''Pasha se odvija 14. Nisana; prvi dan "Praznika beskvasnih
hlebova” se odvija 15. Nisana, a "Praznik Prvina”,
prema biblijskom računanju, odvija se odmah za -
tim, nakon Šabata, u prvi dan sedmice, tokom
biblijskog meseca Nisana.''


''Prema Bibliji, Pasha je jedno -
dnevni praznik koji je odmah praćen sedmodnev -
nim Praznikom Beskvasnih hlebova. Oba praznika
se danas obično spajaju zajedno kao jedan, i jednostavno
se zovu "Pasha”.''

a ovo je isto iz knjige ''Tajne Biblije'' od Medvedeva,


Ne Po Ut Sr Ce Pe Su
                           14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

U citatu koji sam ranije naveo kao jedan primer možda pogresne interpretacije se kaze: ''U godini Hristovog žrtvovanja, Pasha se obilježavala u četvrtak (14. nisan)'', navedeni grafikon sugeriše da tako nije bilo.

''Praznik Beskvasnih hlebova
se praznuje u rano proleće (mart - april). On
počinje 15. dana biblijskog meseca Nisana i traje
7 dana. Pošto Praznik Beskvasnih hlebova (sedmodnevni
praznik) počinje dan nakon Pashe (jed -
nodnevni praznik), često se ova dva praznika spajaju
u jedan i zajedno nazivaju "osam dana Pas -
he”. Za vreme Drugog Hrama (u Isusovo vreme),
bilo je takođe uobičajeno da se svih osam dana
nazivaju Praznikom Beskvasnih hlebova (Luka 22,


Exodus 12:

6And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. (KJV)

6And ye shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month; and the whole congregation of the assembly of Israel shall kill it between the two evenings. [Darby]

6and ye shall keep it unto the fourteenth day of the same month; and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at dusk. [JPS]


Evo jednog linka od Karaita koji pedagoški objašnjava Pashu i Praznik Presnih Hlebova:

Među ostalog može se pronaći sledeće:

In the Tanach "Passover" is the name of a sacrifice, while the holiday is called Hag HaMatzot ("Feast of Unleavened Bread")

The Torah commands that the Passover sacrifice be brought "In the First Month on the Fourteenth Day of the Month between the two evenings" (Lev 23,5). It is unclear from this verse whether what is being referred to is the period of dusk at the beginning of the 14th or the period of dusk at the end of the 14th. Lev 23:6 continues that the Feast of Unleavened Bread is "on the Fifteenth Day of this month". From this verse it appears that the Passover Sacrifice is to be brought at sunset at the end of the 14th and eaten on the night of the 15th. This is confirmed by Dt 16:4, which commands us regarding the Passover Sacrifice: "and there shall not remain of the meat that you slaughter at evening on the first day until the morning." We see that the entire Paschal lamb must be consumed on the following night it is slaughtered and none of it may be left over until the morning (see also Ex 12:10,22). For our purposes what is significant is that the verse describes the Passover sacrifice as being slaughtered "at evening on the first day".
The passage in Dt 16:1-8 is talking about the Feast of Unleavened Bread and there can be no doubt that "the first day" in v.4 refers to the first day of Unleavened Bread.

It is unclear from this verse whether what is being referred to is the period of dusk at the beginning of the 14th or the period of dusk at the end of the 14th.

''Ovaj stih nejasno izveštava, koji od dva perioda sutona, na pocetku 14. ili na kraju 14.''

Preveo podvučeni izvadak: Miloš Popadić

Nadjite na ovom linku kalendar godine 2010 od istih Karaita:

Ako idete do meseca Aprila 2010, videcete da Chag HaMatzot (Praznik Presnih Hlebova) traje 7 dana.....kao sto citamo u 3 Mojs 23,6-7.
Međutim, kako to da ne vidimo nigde Pashu u tom kalendaru? Razlog toga jeste da Pasha nije jedan dan, nego samo ime jedne žrtve sa kojom se ulazi u Praznik Presnih Hlebova. Drugim rečima, Pasha se kolje na kraju 14-tog dana, i jede odmah, tj. u noć 15-toga dana, prvi dan Presnih Hlebova.


''Pesah se slavi u spomen spasenja Jevreja iz Misirskog ropstva. U početku se slavio sedam dana, ali je zbog nepreciznosti starog Jevrejskog kalendara usvojen običaj da se u zemljama galuta (dijaspora) slavi osam dana i to svake godine od 15. do 22. nisana, pri čemu su prva i poslednja dva dana puni praznici, a ostala četiri polupraznici. Međutim u Izraelu, Pesah se i danas slavi sedam dana.

Jedan je od tri hodočasna praznika. Naziva se još i "praznik proleća” (Hag aavim), a takođe i "Praznik beskvasnog hleba” (Hag amacot).''

Iz ovoga se vidi da su Jevreji tokom istorije pravili neke izmene u pogledu praznika!

Miloš Popadić


''ПАСХА (грч. πάσχα), старозаветнии празник који су Јевреји светковали у пролеће, у спомен чудесног ослобођења из египатског ропства. Грчка реч πάσχα настала је од арамејске pennpasha, или хебрејске pesa`h. Етимологија овог имена веома је спорна: једни му приписују порекло од асирске речи pasa`hu (умилостивити), други, од египатских речи ра-s (сећање) и pe-sa h (ударац), а Библија повезује јеврејску реч pesa`h са јеврејским глаголом pasa`h, који значи или храмати или изводити обредни плес око жртве (1 Цар 18,21; 18,26), тј. у преносном смислу "скакати", "пролазити". Односи се на пролазак Бога у Египту, који је прошао изнад јеврејских домова (2 Мој 12,13), док је "пуштао страх" (2 Мој 23,27) на египћане.''

''Пасха је у почетку породични празник старих Јевреја, слави се ноћу, 14. дана месеца авива (пролећни месец), који је после изгнанства назван нисан. Богу се на жртву приносило младо јагње (мушко), да би се измолио Божији благослов, а његовом крвљу покропљен је улаз сваке куће (2 Мој 12,7). Можда је Пасха (са становишта номадских обележја) чак и старија од Мојсија и изласка из Египта, али је сигурно да јој излазак Јевреја из Египта даје коначан смисао.

Временом ће се с Пасхом повезати још један празник, у прво време различит од ње, али близак јој по датуму светковања. То је Празник бесквасних хлебова (2 Мој 12,20), који траје од 15. до 21. нисана, а ти бесквасни хлебови иду уз принос првина. Избацивање квасца, као обред чишћења, јеврејско предање је повезало са изласком из Египта: "Празник пријесних хљебова држи, седам дана једи хљебове пријесне, као што сам ти заповиједио, на вријеме, мјесеца Авива, јер си тада изашао из Мисира." (2 Мој 23,15)

Тако се Пасха вековима славила, а онда је Поновљени закон (Пета књига Мојсијева) донео новину: он стару породичну светковину претвара у празник храма (5 Мој 16,6), чиме Пасха улази у општу централизацију богопоштовања. И обред Пасхе се мења: жртвовање јагњета полако нестаје из породице, а његовом крвљу се сада кропи жртвеник храма (свештеници - левити главни су актери церемоније). Другим речима, породична свечаност полако залази у сенку јерусалимске свечаности, која је распаљивала религиозне страсти Јевреја, а у римско доба, изасланик римске власти је сваке године, поводом Пасхе, долазио у Јерусалим.''



''The Society and the modern Hebrew calendar calculate the dates in very different ways, so it is no surprise that the dates don't match up. The Hebrew calendar is calculated and is based on a long-range mathematical cycle of months which vary between 29 and 30 days. This cycle, in fact, is extremely precise and accurate over the long term, but it means that the 14th day of the month does not always correspond to the date of the full moon. The Society claims to base its date on the ancient method of observation on when the first sliver of the new moon became visible over Jerusalem. In reality, it is really another calculation method but one based on the short-term timing of lunations. However, since the Society bases the Memorial date on the timing of the full moon, I suspect that they do not fuss with when the new moon would have been observationally visible, but simply go with the astronomical timing of the full moon. As viewed from Jerusalem, the full moon occurs at 5:56pm (UT + 2) on April 9, 2009. Ergo, April 9 is the date of the Memorial.''

''This is where most of the confusion is regarding Jewish days. Nisan 14th starts at sundown of the 7th when it is getting dark and ends at sundown of the 8th. You see their dates stated the sundown before the date shown on a Jewish calendar and went from sundown to sundown. Their calendar does not show this start but only shows the daytime portion of the 14th to conform more closely with our calendar which is of course the 8th and the longer period of their date. Absolute confusion for many working with this information. Some never seem to grasp it. And words like day and date must be used with care. If you do something like killing a few thousand Lambs on the 14th in the afternoon (after noontime) the way they did back then and then cleaned and roasted them, it would be pretty late and you would barely have time to eat them before the date changed to the 15th. In fact they never ate the Lamb on the 14th as it was always eaten with unleavened bread which was forbidden until the 15th. And if someone was running late, they could still prepare food on the 15th as this special Sabbath day featured this provision by Law. The 15th was a Sabbath day you see as was the 21st. I have a Talmud reference verifying that these special ceremonial days were Sabbath days and I needed this because so many so called scholars deny this fact. And Passover was 7 days long instead of just one meal and one date. Now this causes massive problems for all denominations and their teachings. I cannot help that, and can only relate what is verifiable from the text. As a side note one web site I checked puts the full moon on: April 9 14:58 GMT Thu. This means that the 15th actually started on their calendar at the sundown before April 9 or April 8 when it was on its way to getting to this fullness. And this varies around the world and may require adjustment to your calendar if such is the case since this moon is our only proof for this time for wherever we live.''

''It does not look like anyone is wondering about what happened to the 14th? After all the WT is supposed to be observing the Memorial on the 14th the same as the Jews did or at least the way Jesus when He supposedly died yet their calendar does not match the moon. Well the truth is their teachings are all based on the teaching of other denominations and scholars and not the Bible. You see nothing happened on the 14th and our Lord did not die on the 14th as they teach. He ate the Passover with His disciples and this could only be done after the animals were killed, cleaned and cooked on the 14th. This rememberance could therefore only be done when the date changed to the 15th the date when Passover week started and on which unlevened bread was served and it was also the start of a Sabbath day. Huh? We know that our Lord did not die on a Sabbath day don't we? But who knows that there would be another day of Preparaton during Passover? Yes, there was another some six days later when the Passover, the Unleavened bread as it was sometimes called would be made from new grain. And there would now be a Sabbath day on Friday as well as Saturday that year. Some 48 hours of Sabbath as this happened often. Arguments about what such long Sabbath days were called prevail but it was a common occurence for other such 7 day observances as well. This cannot be helped when cerimonial and weekly Sabbath days begin on Saturdays. The Jews know. John called it a high Sabbath or Great Sabbath and it is plural in the Greek texts. But this is only scripture after all so lets conceal it in translation and say this means something else. That is the way nearly all literature on Passover is handled. That is the way the WT does it. If you enjoy being lied to then go ahead and observe it with them.''

''Do we observe the Passover Seder Nisan 14 or Nisan 15?

According to this year’s biblical calendar, Nisan 14 begins the evening of Tuesday, March 30, and Nisan 15 begins the evening of Wednesday, March 31. Believers in Yeshua split over debates about the proper time to observe the Passover Seder. A reading of the gospels appears to indicate that Yeshua ate the Passover with his disciples on Nisan 14. In imitation of him, his followers should as well. However, the gospels also indicate that the Passover had not yet begun when Yeshua died, and readings of the Torah corroborate that Nisan 15 is the proper time to eat the Passover meal, hence, the date followers of Yeshua should observe.

To resolve this debate, we will examine the scriptures. Yeshua came to fulfill the scriptures, so everything he did will line up with what was done before. The first Passover was celebrated in conjunction with the Exodus event recorded in Exodus 12. God told the Israelites to slaughter their lambs at twilight on the 14th; this translates to about 3:00pm our time. Then, they put the blood on their lintels and doorposts, roasted the lambs, and ate them as night set in along with bitter herbs and unleavened bread. Since biblical days begin in the evening, the meal they ate was consumed Nisan 15. According to Leviticus 23, the festival of Unleavened Bread lasts from the 15th to the 22nd; the first and last of which are high Sabbaths. Passover is Nisan 14 and Unleavened Bread is Nisan 15-22, but the entire eight-day period can be called either Passover or Unleavened Bread (Lk 22:7). Misunderstanding these details can result in confusion when reading the scriptures.

Yeshua’s last supper with his disciples was the night of Nisan 14. During this meal, which they called the Passover (Mt 26:18, Mk 14:14, Lk 22:11) but was not yet the prescribed Feast (Jn 13:29), he taught his disciples the spiritual meaning of the Seder that would be held the following night, Nisan 15. He would, of course, not be in attendance, for the Passover Lamb would be arrested that night, hung on the cross at the time of the morning sacrifice, and would die at the time of the slaughtering of the Passover lambs: 3:00pm on Nisan 14. As everyone was roasting their lambs for the evening Seder, Yeshua was buried. This was still Nisan 14, the Day of Preparation for the Seder meal that would occur that night, Nisan 15, the time to eat the lamb with the bitter herbs and unleavened bread (Jn 19:31, 42, Mk 15:42, Lk 23:54, Ex 12:8, 14, Lev 23:4-8).''


''Пошто је Јуда имао кутију
за новац, неки су мислили да му је Исус ре -
као: „Купи оно што нам треба за празник”,
или да му је рекао нека да нешто сиромаш-
нима.'' (Jovan 13:29)

Po svemu sudeci ovo nije bilo prilikom redovne Pashalna vecere, jer su neki od ucenika mislili da se to sto je Isus rekao Judi odnosi na praznik koji je tek predstojao.



''Шест дана једи бесквасне
хлебове, а седмог дана нека буде свечани
збор у част Господу, твом Богу. Не ради никакав посао.'' 5 Moj. 16:8.

Neobično je da se u navedenom stihu iznenada upotrebljava izraz ''6 dana''. Znači li to da je Mojsije napravio jezičku omasku, jer u trećem stihu istog poglavlja stoji:

''Уз њу не једи ништа што има квасац.
Седам дана једи бесквасни хлеб, невољнич-
ки хлеб, јер сте у журби изашли из египат-
ске земље. Тако ћете се свих дана свог жи -
вота сећати дана кад сте изашли из египат-
ске земље.''



For six days you shall eat matzoth: But elsewhere it says, "For seven days [you shall eat matzoth]!” (Exod. 12:15). [The solution is:] For seven days you shall eat matzoth from the old [produce] and six days [i.e., the last six days, after the omer has been offered] you may eat matzoth prepared from the new [crop].

Another explanation: It teaches that the eating of matzoh on the seventh day of Passover is not obligatory, and from here you learn [that the same law applies] to the other six days [of the Festival], For the seventh day was included in a general statement [in the verse "For seven days you shall eat matzoth ,” but in the verse: "Six days you shall eat matzoth ”] it has been taken out of this general [statement], to teach us that eating matzoh [on the seventh day] is not obligatory, but optional. [RACHI]


Exodus 29:2, Leviticus 2:4, Numbers 6:19. U ovim stihovima (u Septuaginti) se koristi izraz "artos azumos,". Slične izraze spominju Filon i Flavije. Osim toga, "azimos" (ἄζυμος) NE znači isključivo "beskvasni hleb," već "beskvasno..." pa, šta god da jeste. Kvasac se na grčkom kaže "zime" (ζύμη). "Azimos" je samo nešto što je bez kvasca. Naravno da može biti hleb, jer se često upotrebljava za hleb.

Jermenska apostolska crkva i dan danas koristi beskvasni hleb (Nshkhar yev mas, nama neobično za izgovarati), dok pravoslavna crkva koriste kvasni hleb, i ta tradicija je jako dugačka. Jedan komentator kaže:

It is uncertain whether they would have been using leavened or unleavened bread, but it is clear that in the service of Holy Communion the Eastern Church has always used leavened bread, and this was the case in the West also until getting on toward A.D. 1,000 (the earliest example of unleavened bread cited in The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church is in Alcuin, A.D. 798). (Leon Morris, The Gospel According to Matthew (Grand Rapids, Mich.; Leicester, England: W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press, 1992)

Ovaj komentator kaže da se na istoku, dakle u pravoslavnoj crkvi, upotrebljavao uvek kvasni hleb. Ovo je bilo i u zapadnoj crkvi sve do 1 000 godine naše ere. Da li je ovo sasvim tačno, ne bih sada mogao reći, ali je zanimljivo čuti i šta drugi kažu. Pomenuti rečnik kog Morris citira, The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, zaista na 233 kaže ono što Morris navodi.

Na sve ovo dodaš da Jevreji nisu nikad jeli kvasni hleb tokom praznika pashe ili praznika beskvasnih hlebova. Kada Matej kaže da je Isus "uzeo hleb," logično je da se zna koji je hleb uzeo, jer koji se drugi hleb mogao upotrebljavati tokom tih praznika osim beskvasnoga hleba? Šta znam, ovo je neko moje razmišljanje.


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