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Jesus was crucified on a Friday and rose on a Sunday. He rested on the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, Saturday. Mary and Martha came to the tomb on a Sunday morning ( the first day of the week), after the Sabbath. God never changed the day. He didn't say keep "a" Sabbath holy. He said keep "the" Sabbath holy, which is "the" seventh day of the week" which most people in the world see as Saturday. I recommend the book "Ten Commandments Twice Removed."        


Traditionally the Jews kept the Saturday Sabbath and throughout the Bible we notice they stick to their traditions. Traditions been the very thing Jesus argued against. Traditionally we keep a Sunday Sabbath. Are we to keep to Jewish tradition or to our own. Traditionally the Jews do not see Jesus as the Messiah, are we to stick to their beliefs and traditions or our own. Traditionally the Jews named the days of the week are we to stick to their traditions or our own. Note that traditionally the Jews record their days according to the Lunar Calendar - God only created the Moon on the 4th day - so according to His word this was Wednesday of our week and according to Lunar Calendar (part Tues & part Wed). The answer is simple: we have to observe a Sabbath not a Day. Note that in all arguments the Day seems to have become more important than the Sabbath. Jesus been the Sabbath.  


Monday is the 1st day of the working week. God said work for six and rest the 7th. At the time Mary and Martha were around, Saturday was the Sabbath the seventh day of rest and they started working on Sunday to Friday. If the specific day where of any importance to God he would have named them and numbered them. Church leaders work for God and also need to rest but for them to rest either on Saturday or Sunday just won't work out so they choose other days of rest. The thing I really love about the Sabbath it must be observed but not on any particular day, it keeps the debate of God alive. Does God consider a specific day Holy, I don't think so, He does however expect us to observe a Sabbath, set a day aside. Our respective leaders are to decide this day and we are to follow our leaders who are selected by God to lead us. If you consider Saturday Sabbath keepers argument and the Sunday Sabbath keepers argument they are both valid and biblical. They can both be argued for and against and these arguments are valid. However it does become up to the individual to build a relationship with God and ask Him for guidance on this matter. I have and God has clearly let me know that a day a specific time of the week does not matter. He is more concerned that it is kept. Keep in mind a seventh day could be different from person to person. This would depend on your working week. God provides us with our jobs. I like the way the 7th is argued. Yes it could mean The 7th day of the week or if read in the context the bible puts it God says work for six days (note He does not say work from the first day of the week to the sixth day of the week).Now which six days should we work and which not. If I work from Wednesday to Tuesday and rest on the seventh day is this a sin. No I have worked for six days and rested on the 7th Day. How does on the 7th day in this context become "The 7th Day of The Week".
Monday is not the first day of the week: Matthew 28:1 (niv)
"After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb." Jesus resurrected on Sunday (ie Easter Sunday) and the first day of the week is what the bible says Jesus rose on. Therefor Sunday is the first day of the week. And any way look up the definitions of the days in a dictionary, it will say Sunday is the first day of the week.  


God didn't really name or number the days we did, and he knew we would. God knows everything, he knew your name even before you were born, so of course he knew man would name the days of the week and man put the seventh day as Saturday, and in the Bible God said to rest from all of your work on the seventh day (Saturday). Also I suggest that you read Matthew 28:1, it talks about how Mary and Martha came on Sunday morning (after Jesus was crucified) to see the sepulchre. It says "In the end of the SABBATH as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week,....". Sunday is the first day of the week, (although some people put Monday as the first so they can say that Sunday is the seventh and make it the Sabbath), but as in the text Sunday was the first day, and if it was the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, then Saturday has to be the Sabbath. It's the 4th commandment and not observing it would be breaking one of the commandments which would be a sin. Jesus was a Jew and the Jews worshiped on the seventh day (Saturday), and they still do.        


I think that had God wished for us to stick to a specific day he would have named the days or said the seventh day of the week. He clearly states to work six days and rest on the seventh day. No where does God number or name the days. Man does. God was just interested in us resting and spending one day with him. If you are in Israel the Sabbath will be on the Saturday. If anywhere else it is Sunday and some countries there isn't one. If your church has it on Saturday then enjoy it with them and keep it Holy if it is on a Monday then keep it Holy. However make sure you stick to the commandment to the letter, work for six days, and rest on the seventh day, set the seventh day aside for rest. Now here is the downside of God's people not respecting Gods wishes. We are split over a day. Instead of standing together neither side will celebrate the Sabbath with the other side.
God did not just establish the Sabbath for the Jews, but for all of mankind. The Sabbath was created on the last day of Creation. There was only Adam and Eve, and no such thing as a Jew.
In Genesis 1 we are informed that the world as we now know it was created in 6 days.
On the 7th day God ceased from all of His work, as recorded in Genesis (2:2-3). This is the only day that God set aside and made Holy, and which he blessed.
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

In the 4th commandment (Exodus 20:8-11) we are clearly informed:
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.


Yes. Saturday is the True Sabbath if we see Genesis 2:2 God had establish on the seventh day the Sabbath so mankind can rest on that day. This day was not meant for the Jews.(Mark 2:27). The Jewish people were around until 2000 years later. In the New Testament we see that God never change the Sabbath he said in John 14:15 " If ye love me, keep my commandments." Other texts: Matthew 5:17;Galatians 3:24.  


No. The Hebrew Sabbath is based on the Hebrew calendar. We are now using the Gregorian calendar, therefore Sabbath can fall on any day. Computing Hebrew Sabbath in a weekly basis will require a complex computer programming. Note: this makes no sense, as the Hebrew and Gregorian calendar calculate months and year differently. Both calendars are based on a 7-day week, and everybody agrees that the Sabbath comes around every 7 days. Besides, computing conversions between various calendars is not complex for a 21st century computer.


God told us to keep the seventh day holy, and he did not say to do it based on the sacred calender (Hebrew calender).

After the Sabbath, as Sunday morning was dawning, Mary Magdelene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. Suddenly there was a violent eartquake; an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, rolled the stone away and sat on it. ( Matthew 28 )
Clearly in this verse you can see that the Sabbath Day is Saturday.


Saturday is the Sabbath, it says so in the fourth commandment "seventh day". And it doesn't matter which calendar we use because God's word stands forever and it is forever true, so I believe what my Bible says and it says what it says in the fourth commandment. Over 140 languages call the 'seventh-day' Sabbath.

Saturday is the Sabbath. Jesus is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. The seal of God is accepting Jesus and following Him, including keeping the seventh day sabbath (Friday to Saturday sundown).
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