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Main » 2023 » October » 21 » Luka 22:15
9:34 AM
Luka 22:15

Pulpit Commentary
Verse 15. - And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. This peculiar expression, "with desire," etc., is evidently a reproduction by St. Luke of the Lord's very words repeated to him originally in Aramaic (Hebrew), They seem to be a touching apology or explanation from him to his own, for thus anticipating the regular Passover Supper by twenty-four hours. He had been longing with an intense longing to keep this last Passover with them: First as the dear human Friend who would make this his solemn last farewell. (Do not we, when we feel the end is coming, long for a last communion with our dearest ones?) And, secondly, as the Divine Master who would gather up into a final discourse his most important, deepest teaching. We find this teaching especially reported by St. John in his Gospel (13-17.). And thirdly, as the Founder of a great religion, he purposed, on this momentous occasion, transforming the most solemn festal gathering of the ancient Jewish people, which commemorated their greatest deliverance, into a feast which should - as age succeeded age - commemo-rate a far greater deliverance, not of the old chosen race only, but of every race under heaven. These were three of the reasons why he had desired so earnestly to eat this Passover with them. "To-morrow, at the usual hour, when the people cat their Passover, it will be too late for us." This he expresses in his own sad words, "before I suffer." Luke 22:15


Komentar propovjedaonice

Stih 15. - I reče im: Od velike sam želje blagovao ovu Pashu s vama prije nego što patim. Ovaj neobičan izraz, "sa željom" itd., očito je reprodukcija svetog Luke samih Gospodinovih riječi koje mu je izvorno ponovio na aramejskom (hebrejskom), Čini se da su dirljiva isprika ili objašnjenje koje je on dao svojima, jer je na taj način očekivao redovitu pashalnu večeru za dvadeset i četiri sata. Silno je žudio da ovu posljednju Pashu održi s njima: Prvo kao dragog ljudskog Prijatelja koji će ovo učiniti svojim svečanim posljednjim zbogom. (Ne čeznemo li mi, kad osjetimo da se bliži kraj, za posljednjim zajedništvom s našim najdražima?) I, drugo, kao Božanski Učitelj koji bi sabrao u konačni govor svoje najvažnije, najdublje učenje. Ovo učenje nalazimo osobito kod sv. Ivana u svom Evanđelju (13-17.). I treće, kao utemeljitelj velike religije, naumio je, ovom značajnom prigodom, pretvoriti najsvečanije svečano okupljanje drevnog židovskog naroda, koje je obilježavalo njihovo najveće izbavljenje, u gozbu koja bi trebala - kako je vrijeme slijedilo doba - obilježavati ocijeniti daleko veće izbavljenje, ne samo stare odabrane rase, već svake rase pod nebom. Ovo su bila tri razloga zašto je tako žarko želio jesti ovu Pashu s njima. "Sutra, u uobičajeni sat, kada ljudi slave Pashu, za nas će biti prekasno." On to izražava svojim tužnim riječima, "prije nego patim". Luka 22:15

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