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Main » 2024 » April » 28 » O pashalnom sederu
12:47 PM
O pashalnom sederu

The question is not whether Shaul kept the feast in the dispersion, but how Shaul kept the feast. Did he keep it as a modified Exodus 12 service? Or did he keep it like a traditional rabbinical Passover seder? And what should we do, today?

Shaul came from a rabbinical background. He was steeped in the traditions of the rabbis, and the rabbis believe that Yahweh did not just give Moshe (Moses) the Torah, but that Yahweh gave Moshe the authority to set Torah for his generation. Since the rabbis see themselves as heirs to this authority, they believe they have the authority to set Torah for their generation; and because the rabbis like set traditions, when they were separated from the temple they created a Passover seder service, to establish traditions for themselves.

The term seder means “order of service,” and the rabbis believe their order of service supersedes the one Yahweh gave in the Torah. It is true that it helps to have some form of tradition, but the rabbinical seder seems to contradict almost everything Yahweh says. While Yahweh says to eat lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs, the rabbis tell us to place a shank bone on a platter, alongside an egg. They also place a lot of emphasis on four cups of wine, and the hiding of an afikomen (a piece of unleavened bread). And, while Yahweh said to eat the Passover fully clothed and ready to flee, the rabbis tell us to eat the Passover while reclining, and in a leisurely manner.


Pitanje nije da li je Šaul držao gozbu u rasejanju, već kako je Šaul održao gozbu. Da li ga je zadržao kao modifikovanu uslugu Izlaska 12? Ili ga je zadržao kao tradicionalni rabinski seder za Pashu? A šta da radimo danas?

Šaul je došao iz rabinskog porekla. Bio je ogreznut u tradiciji rabina, a rabini veruju da Jahve nije samo dao Mošeu (Mojsiju) Toru, već da je Jahve dao Mošeu autoritet da postavi Toru za svoju generaciju. Pošto rabini sebe vide kao naslednike ove vlasti, veruju da imaju autoritet da postave Toru za svoju generaciju; i pošto su rabini voleli da postave tradicije, kada su bili odvojeni od hrama, stvorili su pashalni seder, da bi uspostavili tradicije za sebe.

Izraz seder znači „red službe“, a rabini veruju da njihov red službe zamenjuje onaj koji je Jahve dao u Tori. Istina je da pomaže imati neki oblik tradicije, ali čini se da rabinski seder protivreči skoro svemu što Jahve kaže. Dok Jahve kaže da se jede jagnjetina sa beskvasnim hlebom i gorkim travama, rabini nam govore da stavimo kost na tanjir, pored jajeta. Takođe, veliki akcenat stavljaju na četiri čaše vina, i skrivanje afikomena (parče beskvasnog hleba). I dok je Jahve rekao da jedemo Pashu potpuno obučeni i spremni za bekstvo, rabini nam govore da jedemo Pashu dok ležimo i na ležeran način.

Views: 46 | Added by: bibleboy | Rating: 0.0/0
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