Why does the day last six months at the poles?
The Poles experience about six months of day and six months of night because of the tilt of the Earth on its axis. Because of this tilt each Pole is tilted towards and away from the Sun for about six months each. When the North Pole is tilted towards the Sun it experiences continuous daylight for six months.
Why do poles experience six months day?
At the poles, there are about six months of daylight followed by about six months of night. That is because the Earth's axis is tilted away from the perpendicular to Earth's orbital plane. The earth is tilted on its axis, because of which very poor sunlight is allowed to reach the north and south poles.
Would a day last six months if the earth was not tilted?
They would be permanently in a state of sunrise/sunset, but of course it would neither rise nor set, it would just always be right on the horizon. It would go around in a circle during the course of a 24 hour period, moving horizontally (from the perspective of a person standing at one of the poles).
What would happen at the poles if Earth had no tilt?
The poles would differ from their current conditions in a couple of ways: The exact north/south poles would be in a perpetual twilight, but the rest of the polar regions would have 24-hour day/night cycles. The Earth's bulk wouldn't mask a polar region for extended polar nights as happens with a tilted planet.
Zašto dan traje šest meseci na polovima?
Polovi doživljavaju oko šest meseci dana i šest meseci noći zbog nagiba Zemlje oko svoje ose. Zbog ovog nagiba svaki pol je nagnut ka Suncu i udaljen od njega oko šest meseci svaki. Kada je Severni pol nagnut prema Suncu, on ima neprekidnu dnevnu svetlost šest meseci.
Zašto polovi doživljavaju šest meseci dan?
Na polovima je oko šest meseci dnevnog svetla praćeno oko šest meseci noći. To je zato što je Zemljina osa nagnuta od upravne na orbitalnu ravan Zemlje. Zemlja je nagnuta oko svoje ose, zbog čega je veoma slaboj sunčevoj svetlosti dozvoljeno da dopre do severnog i južnog pola.
Da li bi dan trajao šest meseci da zemlja nije nagnuta?
Oni bi trajno bili u stanju izlaska/zalaska sunca, ali naravno da ne bi ni izlazilo ni zalazilo, samo bi uvek bilo na horizontu. Vrtelo bi se u krug tokom perioda od 24 sata, krećući se horizontalno (iz perspektive osobe koja stoji na jednom od polova).
Šta bi se dogodilo na polovima da Zemlja nema nagib?
Polovi bi se razlikovali od svojih trenutnih uslova na nekoliko načina: Tačan severni/južni pol bi bio u stalnom sumraku, ali bi ostali polarni regioni imali 24-časovne cikluse dan/noć. Zemljina masa ne bi maskirala polarni region za produžene polarne noći kao što se dešava sa nagnutom planetom.