There is no SOUND 'J' in Hebrew. That many Hebrew names end up in English written with 'J' is kind of ironic. It is an artifact of history, since English is a Germanic language, and the Bible was translated into 'the vernacular' (that is, into German) quite early.
The alphabet chart has no letter "J". The Hebrew "yod" became "I" in Greek and in Latin where the "I" represented both vowel and consonant sounds.
How to write j sound in Hebrew?
‹J› does not exist in Hebrew. It doesn't exist either in Greek or Latin. The palatal approximant sound /j/ (in English ‹y› as in yes) exists in many languages, including Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and Latin. The Hebrews used letter yod (‹י›) to represent that sound.
Kako napisati glas j na hebrejskom?
‹J› ne postoji u hebrejskom. Ne postoji ni u grčkom ni u latinskom jeziku. Palatalni aproksimant /j/ (u engleskom ‹y› kao u yes) postoji u mnogim jezicima, uključujući hebrejski, aramejski, grčki i latinski. Hebreji su koristili slovo yod (‹י›) za predstavljanje tog zvuka.
What is the palatal approximant sound?
The palatal approximant [j] is made with the tongue towards the palate, and the [w] sound has two places of articulation: the back of the tongue is raised towards the velum and the lips are rounded, so it is called a labial-velar approximant.
Шта је палатални апроксимативни звук?
Палатинални апроксимант [ј] се прави језиком према непцу, а глас [в] има два места артикулације: задњи део језика је подигнут ка велуму а усне су заобљене, па се назива лабијално- веларни апроксимант. |