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Main » 2022 » August » 12 » Why does the guitar sound an octave lower?
1:11 PM
Why does the guitar sound an octave lower?

Guitar notation is typically written an octave higher than it sounds at concert pitch compared to the piano (and other standard instruments). This means that the guitar is a transposing instrument, because its notes sound one octave lower than they are actually notated on a score.


Нотација гитаре се обично пише за октаву више него што звучи на концертној висини у поређењу са клавиром (и другим стандардним инструментима). То значи да је гитара инструмент за транспоновање, јер њене ноте звуче једну октаву ниже него што су заправо нотиране на партитури.


Does the guitar sound an octave lower than written?

Both guitar and bass (from double bass) sound a whole octave lower than written. The benefit of this is that the range of the instrument fits onto the treble clef stave without an unmanageable number of ledger lines.

Zvuči li gitara oktavu niže nego što je napisano?

I gitara i bas (od kontrabasa) zvuče cijelu oktavu niže od napisanog. Prednost ovoga je da raspon instrumenta stane na klapni visoki ključ bez nekontroliranog broja redova.


What concert pitch is a guitar?

Guitar plays at the same pitch as other instruments when playing written music. Concert pitch is internationally agreed to be 440Hz which is A above middle C. An A-string on guitar is tuned to 440Hz and sounds one octave lower than written music when played, therefore it is a transposing concert pitch instrument.

Koja je koncertna visina gitara?

Gitara svira na istoj visini kao i drugi instrumenti kada svirate pisanu glazbu. Koncertna visina je međunarodno dogovorena na 440 Hz, što je A iznad srednjeg C. A-žica na gitari podešena je na 440 Hz i zvuči jednu oktavu niže od pisane glazbe kada se svira, stoga je to instrument za transponiranje koncertne visine.

Views: 142 | Added by: bibleboy | Rating: 0.0/0
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