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Main » 2018 » May » 19 » Satanski stihovi u Kuranu
6:55 AM
Satanski stihovi u Kuranu

Satanski stihovi u Kuranu

Ne mislim na čuvenu knjigu , već na par stihova koji su je inspirisali . Navodno je Satana (Šejtan) uspeo da se nekako ubaci u komunikaciju između Muhameda i Alaha , i da ga ubedi da uključi sledeće stihove (ovde prevedene na engleski ) koji potvrđuju božansku prirodu 3 boginje koje su Arapi dotle obožavali :

Now tell me about Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat,
The third one, another goddess.
What! For you the males and for him the females!
That indeed is an unfair division.

Sam događaj se zbio u trenutku kad je Muhamed bio prognan iz Meke . Kada su politeistički Arapi čuli da Muhamed priznaje ove 3 boginje , dozvolili su mu da se vrati . Međutim , on je kasnije povukao to priznanje , a sam događaj objasnio delovanjem Satane . Naravno , sve ovo baca sumnju na njegovo proroštvo - ako je Satana jednom uspeo da mu se učini kao Bog , vrlo je verovatno da je to učinio i u drugim slučajevima . Koga zanima ova tema , može da se pobliže upozna s njom ovde :

Evo bošnjačkog prevoda

Šta kažete o Latu i Uzzau
i Menatu, trećoj, najmanje cijenjenoj? -
Zar su za vas sinovi, a za Njega kćeri?!
To bi tada bila podjela nepravedna.
Kur'an 53:19-22

Citat Original postavio pokojni_toza Pogledaj poruku
Ne mislim na čuvenu knjigu , već na par stihova koji su je inspirisali . Navodno je Satana (Šejtan) uspeo da se nekako ubaci u komunikaciju između Muhameda i Alaha , i da ga ubedi da uključi sledeće stihove (ovde prevedene na engleski ) koji potvrđuju božansku prirodu 3 boginje koje su Arapi dotle obožavali :

Now tell me about Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat,
The third one, another goddess.
What! For you the males and for him the females!
That indeed is an unfair division.

Sam događaj se zbio u trenutku kad je Muhamed bio prognan iz Meke . Kada su politeistički Arapi čuli da Muhamed priznaje ove 3 boginje , dozvolili su mu da se vrati . Međutim , on je kasnije povukao to priznanje , a sam događaj objasnio delovanjem Satane . Naravno , sve ovo baca sumnju na njegovo proroštvo - ako je Satana jednom uspeo da mu se učini kao Bog , vrlo je verovatno da je to učinio i u drugim slučajevima . Koga zanima ova tema , može da se pobliže upozna s njom ovde :
Da je barem više toga prošlo što se tiće ženskoga elementa ne bi imali kreveljce kakve imamo danas koji u ženskosti vide stansku silu.

Tko vas je rodio idhioti ??
Da nije otac možda?? ..
Citat Original postavio VoSlavu Pogledaj poruku
Evo bošnjačkog prevoda

Šta kažete o Latu i Uzzau
i Menatu, trećoj, najmanje cijenjenoj? -
Zar su za vas sinovi, a za Njega kćeri?!
To bi tada bila podjela nepravedna.
Kur'an 53:19-22
To je tekst izmenjenih stihova , koje je Muhamed posle ispravio . Podsećam , Muhamed je bio nepismen , ali je sve što je "primio" od Alaha govorio direktno svom pisaru . Zbog toga muslimani tvrde da je Kuran jedina neizmenjena i originalna sveta knjiga .

Odstupanje od striktnog monoteizma nama možda ne izgleda kao velika stvar , ali za muslimane je najveći greh . Dovoljno je samo setiti se njihovog pokliča : Nema Boga osim Alaha ! . Međutim , kako se vidi , sam Muhamed je morao da koketira sa osećanjima svojih sunarodnika da bi ih pridobio : Evo odlomka koji to opisuje :
The prophet was eager for the welfare of his people, desiring to win them to him by any means he could. It has been reported that he longed for a way to win them, and part of what he did to that end is what Ibn Humayd told me, from Salama, from Muhammad ibn Ishaq, from Yazīd ibn Ziyād al-Madanī, from Muhammad ibn Ka'b al-Qurazī:
When the prophet saw his people turning away from him, and was tormented by their distancing themselves from what he had brought to them from God, he longed in himself for something to come to him from God which would draw him close to them. With his love for his people and his eagerness for them, it would gladden him if some of the hard things he had found in dealing with them could be alleviated. He pondered this in himself, longed for it, and desired it.
Then God sent down the revelation. 'By the star when it sets! Your companion has not erred or gone astray, and does not speak from mere fancy…' [Q.53:1] When he reached God's words, "Have you seen al-Lāt and al-'Uzzā and Manāt, the third, the other?' [Q.53:19-20] Satan cast upon his tongue, because of what he had pondered in himself and longed to bring to his people, 'These are the high-flying cranes and their intercession is to be hoped for.'
When Quraysh heard that, they rejoiced. What he had said about their gods pleased and delighted them, and they gave ear to him. The Believers trusted in their prophet with respect to what he brought them from their Lord: they did not suspect any slip, delusion or error. When he came to the prostration and finished the chapter, he prostrated and the Muslims followed their prophet in it, having faith in what he brought them and obeying his command. Those mushrikūn of Quraysh and others who were in the mosque also prostrated on account of what they had heard him say about their gods. In the whole mosque there was no believer or kāfir who did not prostrate. Only al-Walīd bin al-Mughīra, who was an aged shaykh and could not make prostration, scooped up in his hand some of the soil from the valley of Mecca [and pressed it to his forehead]. Then everybody dispersed from the mosque.
Quraysh went out and were delighted by what they had heard of the way in which he spoke of their gods. They were saying, 'Muhammad has referred to our gods most favourably. In what he has recited he said that they are "high-flying cranes who intercession is to be hoped for".'
Those followers of the Prophet who had emigrated to the land of Abyssinia heard about the affair of the prostration, and it was reported to them that Quraysh had accepted Islam. Some men among them decided to return while others remained behind.
Gabriel came to the Prophet and said, O Muhammad, what have you done! You have recited to the people something which I have not brought you from God, and you have spoken what He did not say to you.'
At that the Prophet was mightily saddened and greatly feared God. But God, of His mercy, sent him a revelation, comforting him and diminishing the magnitude of what had happened. God told him that there had never been a previous prophet or apostle who had longed just as Muhammad had longed, and desired just as Muhammad had desired, but that Satan had cast into his longing just as he had cast onto the tongue of Muhammad. But God abrogates what Satan has cast, and puts His verses in proper order. That is, 'you are just like other prophets and apostles.'
And God revealed: 'We never sent any apostle or prophet before you but that, when he longed, Satan cast into his longing. But God abrogates what Satan casts in, and then God puts His verses in proper order, for God is all-knowing and wise.' [Q.22:52]
So God drove out the sadness from His prophet and gave him security against what he feared. He abrogated what Satan had cast upon his tongue in referring to their gods: 'They are the high-flying cranes whose intercession is accepted [ sic ]'. [replacing those words with] the words of God when Allāt, al-'Uzzā and Manāt the third, the other are mentioned: 'Should you have males and He females [as offspring]! That, indeed, would be an unfair division. They are only names which you and your fathers have given them'… as far as 'As many as are the angels in heaven, their intercession shall be of no avail unless after God has permitted it to whom He pleases and accepts' [Q.53:21-26]- meaning, how can the intercession of their gods be of any avail with Him?
When there had come from God the words which abrogated what Satan had cast on to the tongue of His prophet, Quraysh said, 'Muhammad has gone back on what he said about the status of our gods relative to God, changed it and brought something else', for the two phrases which Satan had cast on to the tongue of the Prophet had found a place in the mouth of every polytheist. They, therefore, increased in their evil and in their oppression of everyone among them who had accepted Islam and followed the Prophet.
The band of the Prophet's followers who had left the land of Abyssinia on account of the report that the people of Mecca had accepted Islam when they prostrated together with the Prophet drew near. But when they approached Mecca they heard that the talk about the acceptance of Islam by the people of Mecca was wrong. Therefore, they only entered Mecca in secret or after having obtained a promise of protection.
Among those of them who came to Mecca at that time and remained there until emigrating to Medina and taking part in the battle of Badr alongside Muhammad there was, from the family of 'Abd Shams b. Abd Manāf b. Qussayy, 'Uthmān b. 'Affān together with his wife Ruqayya the daughter of the Prophet. Abū Hudhayfa b. 'Utba with his wife Shal bint Suhayl, and another group with them, numbering together 33 men.[31]

Kako bi drugačije prihvatili njegovu veru.
Koketirao je on i sa hrišćanima i sa jevrejima. Prihvatio je skoro sve običaje Arapa iz tog vremena.
Muslimani obozavaju te paganske boginje al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat Sura 53:19-20.
al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat su bile zvane “Allahove cerke”
U Arabiji pre Islama, koje muslimani zovu dani tame, Arapi su bili pagani, I verovali su da kroz: mesec, sunce, zvijezde, planete, zivotinje, bunare, drveca, kamenje, pecine, izvore, I druge naturalne objekte covek moze stupiti u kontakt sa bogom. U Meki, “Allah/Hubal” je bio glavni bog paganskih bogova I Quraish plemena ili bolje receno Muhamedovog plemena. Allah je imao tri cerke: Al Uzzah (Venera) naj postovaniju od svih ona je volela ljudske zrtve; Manah, boginja sudbine, i Al Lat, boginja biljki. One se pominju u Kur’an.
Arapi su davali svojoj djeci imena kao – Abdullah (Allahov rob muslimani danas cesto sebe nazivaju allahovim robom). Najbolji dokaz je da se Muhamedov otac zvao“Abdullah”. Logicna analogija ovde je, da nije postojao “Allah” pre Islama u arabiji, nebi postojalo ni ime Abdullah (u prevodu Allahov rob). Genericka Arapska rjec za Boga je Robi, rec Allah je specificno koristena za boga po menu Hubal.
Hubalovi vjernici su stavili Hubalov kip na krov Kabe i on se zvao bog Kabe.
Hafiz Ghulam Sarwar, Muhammad The Holy Prophet (1969),
Njegovi vjernici su trcali oko Kaba, klanjali se nekoliko puta dnevno okrenuti prema Meki, isli su godisnje na hadz u Meku, ljubili su crni kamen, bacali kamenje na njihovu verziju djavola (to je posebna prica), Zrtvovali su ovnove kao sto I danas rade muslimani za bajram.

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