ELOAH. {aleph, lamedh, vav, he.}
Hebrew fundamentally has both masculine and feminine gender phonetic vowel pronunciations for much of its words, besides the words tense, singularity or plurality that affect each word pronunciation.
EL, ELOI, ELAH, ELOH, ELOAH, ELOHIM, ALAH, etc., are use in the over all scripture text as a generic titles not a names. However there is evidence that both the Yahwdim people and Gentiles use them as both masculine and feminine gender names, by a component or a whole persons name.
EL {Strong’s # 410 aleph, lamedh.} as {Strong’s # 416 Beyth-El. beth, yod tav. - aleph, lamedh.}
Most Scholastic Etymology cross references of this word in ancient Hebrew attests that the correct vowel masculine singular syllable pronunciation “EL,” that evolve from the root wo
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