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When the Jews were in exile during the Babylonian captivity, they could not keep the Passover. This prohibition led to the replacement of the Passover with the Seder meal on the 15th day of the first month, the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.


Kada su Jevreji bili u izgnanstvu za vreme vavilonskog ropstva, nisu mogli da drže Pashu. Ova zabrana je dovela do toga da se Pasha zameni sederskom trpezom 15. dana prvog meseca, prvog dana praznika beskvasnih hlebova.


How did the ancient Israelites celebrate Passover?

Entering the Temple compound in groups, the head of each household would hand their animal offering to the priests, who killed the animal, drew its blood and sprayed it on the altar. Then the carcass was returned to the family that had given it and they would roast it and eat it within the confines of the Temple.


Kada su Jevreji bili u izgnanstvu za vreme vavilonskog ropstva ... Read more »

Views: 2 | Added by: bibleboy | Date: 2024-04-26 | Comments (0)

Why is there no honey in Leviticus 2 11?
Nor any honey in any offering to the LORD made by fire: Honey was not allowed because it was a favorite thing to sacrifice to pagan deities. God did not want to be worshipped in the same way that false, pagan gods were worshipped.

Zašto bez meda u Levitskom zakoniku 2 11?
Niti bilo kakav med u bilo kojoj žrtvi Jahvi spaljenoj ognjem: Med nije bio dopušten jer je bio omiljena stvar za žrtvu poganskim božanstvima. Bog nije želio da ga se obožava na isti način na koji su se obožavali lažni, poganski bogovi.

Views: 4 | Added by: bibleboy | Date: 2024-04-19 | Comments (0)

Šest dana, točnije, osim prvoga dana, u koji je pasha ubijena; ili bolje rečeno osim sedmog i poslednjeg dana, koji se ovde spominje odvojeno, ne kao da bi se tada mogao jesti kvasni kruh, jer je suprotno bilo očito na mnogim mjestima, nego zato što je trebalo učiniti nešto više, naime, svečanu skupštinu koja se drži. Dakle, bilo je ukupno sedam dana, kao što je rečeno, Izlazak 12:15 Levitski zakonik 23:6 Brojevi 28:17.

Views: 9 | Added by: bibleboy | Date: 2024-04-06 | Comments (0)

Did Jesus Eat the Passover Supper?

Do the Gospel Accounts contradict themselves in the matter of whether Jesus ate the Passover Supper?

By Wayne Jackson | Christian Courier

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“Did Jesus eat the Passover supper on the night before he was crucified? If so, was he eating it at the right time? If he was, how do you explain the fact that, on the following day, the Jewish leaders were fearful of defiling themselves, which circumstance would have cancelled their right “to eat the Passover” (John 18:28)? This seems to suggest that the Passover occurred the day after Jesus ate with the disciples."

It appears clear that Jesus and his disciples did eat the Pa ... Read more »

Views: 6 | Added by: bibleboy | Date: 2024-04-04 | Comments (0)


This is a binding agreement (“Terms”) between Rakuten Kobo Inc. (“Kobo”, “we” or “us”) and the individual (“you” or “Publisher”) who registers for Kobo’s digital publishing service program (“Kobo Writing Life” or “KWL”), as identified in Kobo’s records of such registration, for the publication of works in any written or audio electronic format (“eBook” or “Audiobook”, as applicable, or collectively “Work”). Kobo’s Terms of UsePrivacy Policy and Content Policy are incorporated into these Terms and are also binding on yo ... Read more »

Views: 9 | Added by: bibleboy | Date: 2024-04-04 | Comments (0)

Why did Jesus eat the Passover meal before Passover?
"We now have just the right amount of space that we need for the Gospel events." Humphreys also believes that Jesus and his followers were trying to send a theological message by celebrating the Passover on a schedule that goes back to a time before the Babylonian exile, to the era of Moses and the Exodus.


Zašto je Isus jeo pashalnu večeru prije Pashe?
"Sada imamo pravu količinu prostora koja nam je potrebna za događaje Evanđelja." Humphreys također vjeruje da su Isus i njegovi sljedbenici pokušavali poslati teološku poruku slavljenjem Pashe prema rasporedu koji seže u vrijeme prije babilonskog izgnanstva, u Mojsijevo doba i Izlazak.

Views: 8 | Added by: bibleboy | Date: 2024-04-03 | Comments (0)

What happened to Judaism after the destruction of the Second Temple?
After the destruction of the Second Temple, Judaism separated into a linguistically Greek and a Hebrew / Aramaic sphere. The theology and religious texts of each community were distinctively different. Hellenized Judaism never developed yeshivas to study the Oral Law.


Što se dogodilo s judaizmom nakon uništenja Drugog hrama?
Nakon uništenja Drugog hrama, židovstvo se odvojilo na jezično grčku i hebrejsko/aramejsku sferu. Teologija i vjerski tekstovi svake zajednice bili su izrazito različiti. Helenizirani judaizam nikada nije razvio ješive za proučavanje Usmenog zakona.


How did the Jews worship after the destruction of the Temple?
The destruction of the Second Temple brought about a dramatic change in Judaism. Rabbinic Judaism built upon Jewish tradition while adjusting to new realities. Temple ritual was replaced with prayer service in synagogues whic ... Read more »

Views: 10 | Added by: bibleboy | Date: 2024-04-02 | Comments (0)

Why is it called the Law of Moses?

Moses was the Mediator who transmitted information about God's 10 Commandments and other statutes, principles, instructions and even hygiene guidelines to the nation of Israel.

But, God cancelled that old Torah Covenant because the Jews broke it …too often. So, a New Covenant was foretold at Jeremiah 31:31--33. This New Covenant fulfills God's promise to Abraham that together Jews and “people of the nations would be blessed” …not just one nation. Genesis 22:14-18. See also Deuteronomy 18:15–18, and Daniel 9:20–27.


Zašto se zove Mojsijev zakon?

Mojsije je bio Posrednik koji je izraelskoj naciji prenio informacije o 10 Božjih zapovijedi i drugim zakonima, načelima, uputama, pa čak i higijenskim smjernicama.

Ali, Bog je poništio taj stari savez Tore jer su ga Židovi kršili ... prečesto. Dakle, Novi savez je prorečen u Jeremiji 31:31--33. Ovaj Novi save ... Read more »

Views: 12 | Added by: bibleboy | Date: 2024-04-02 | Comments (0)

Da li je prorok Muhamed rođen obrezan?
Ovo je takođe potvrdio klasični muslimanski učenjak al-Jahiz, kao i rimsko-jevrejski istoričar Flavije Josif. Prema nekim hadiskim izveštajima, Muhamed je rođen bez kožice, dok drugi tvrde da ga je njegov deda, Abd al-Muttalib, obrezao kada je imao sedam dana.

Ko je rođen obrezan?
Knjiga Abot De-Rabbi Natan (Očevi prema rabinu Natanu) sadrži spisak osoba iz Izraelskog Svetog pisma koje su rođene obrezane: Adam, Set, Noje, Sim, Jakov, Josif, Mojsije, zli Valam, Samuilo, David , Jeremija i Zorovavelj.

Prema nekim hadiskim izveštajima, Muhamed je rođen bez kožice, dok drugi tvrde da ga je njegov deda, Abd al-Muttalib, obrezao kada je imao sedam dana. Neki hadisi izveštavaju da je Iraklije, car Vizantijskog carstva, govorio o Muhamedu kao o „kralju obrezanih“.

Views: 9 | Added by: bibleboy | Date: 2024-04-01 | Comments (0)

Duhovna paljba III


Ova knjiga dopunjuje prethodne dve i ona svojim sadržajem pokreće još jedan set tema značajnih za razumevanje prvobitne vere hrišćana. Ona pokušava da simplifikovano prezentuje kardinalne greške koje su načinili vernici u osvit nastanka vere jednom predate svetima.

Ova knjiga dopunjuje prethodne dve i ona svojim sadržajem pokreće još jedan set tema značajnih za razumevanje prvobitne vere hrišćana. Ona pokušava da simplifikovano prezentuje kardinalne greške koje su načinili vernici u osvit nastanka vere jednom predate svetima. Pored toga, zaviruje i u motivacionu sferu neprijateljskih elemenata okupljenih oko kosmičkog razoritelja Elohimove tvorevine. Naime, kao što je istraživačima Biblije poznato, Luciferu je bilo krivo što nije uspeo da se uzdigne na najviši tron, a budući da nije mogao da se osveti N ... Read more »

Views: 17 | Added by: bibleboy | Date: 2024-03-24 | Comments (0)

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